Monday, November 26, 2012


4WD Outing with Whangamata Club

Being a bit far away to do things with the Auckland Landrover Owners' Club, I tagged along on this outing into the forests around Whangamata, normally closed to the public. About 60 vehicles turned up and paid $40 each for various worthy local causes. Only 3 or 4 Land Rovers, the rest mostly Jap with a few Jeeps.

Some very, very dusty travelling to each forest track. Envy for those with Japanese 4WDs that can close the windows and put the air-con on. Not so the Land Rover, I had a major dust cleanup afterwards.


Nice views over Whangamata to Mayor Island, then next stop looked out over Shoe and Slipper Island, with the Aldermens behind.

At the end of the run there was a muddy patch for those inclined to 'have a go'. I didn't as I don't have mud tyres, but Wayne from Thames had a go with his Series 3 ex-army V8.

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