Monday, October 23, 2006


Can't anyone fix things anymore?

It's a rainy Labour Day holiday. Every window I look out from shows neighbours' houses where the owners seem incapable of even minor repairs.

#35 has a gutter full of leaves (buy a ladder), and a letterbox that was knocked off 3 weeks ago (buy 4 screws and a screwdriver from the $2 shop). If you let gutters overflow, the water can come in under the eaves and down inside your interior wall - big mess and insurance claim.

#31's downpipe needs reattaching and the gutter cleaned. That should take 5 minutes but it has taken over 3 years so far.

And the people over the back have been there at least 10 years, time enough for our neighbour-blocking trees to reach about 10 metres high. Still the clothes-line isn't fixed. Two people to lift it off, straighten the arm and put it back in the pipe, about 20 minutes and no $$ at all. Then Momma could hang the washing in the sun.

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