Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Visit to Helensville and South Head, Kaipara Harbour

We decided to check out some country we have not seen, so we headed up to Helensville, then up the South Kaipara Peninsula, to the top which is known as South Head.

Helensville seemed to have run down a bit since our last visit there, with signs of businesses closing. All the buildings' windows seem to point away from the attractive tidal river. A walk along the new river path shows a graffiti-covered dairy factory and bombs of cars on one side and nice views over the river to the Kaipara Harbour on the other.

Access down to a beach was on a steep track through this nice forest (in 3-D) with this nice fantail greeting us.

We pretty much had the place to ourselves apart from a couple of fishermen, two Paradise Ducks and some nice cloud formations.

It is possible to walk over the rocks for 2-3 km to the top and the harbour entrance.

We left the beach and drove over Trig Rd to the West side where there is a lagoon.

Nice view - but what's that on the right? A Nissan, that's what.

In this part of the country the farming seems to be by hobby farmers, paddocks have deer, llamas, black-face sheep and cows with odd faces.

Day 2 follows above.

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