Sunday, November 18, 2007


Mangere Sewerage Works

This place used to be a processing plant and a series of large settlement ponds in the harbour, annoying the locals with smells and midges. Now it is a closed-to-the-atmosphere facility and the old ponds have been removed, large areas planted in native plants and areas fenced off for shore birds to safely nest. Public walkways run through the area. It's a nice walk.

Here is some of the birdlife we saw.

A Spotted Dove and plenty of Pukekos.

A group of Paradise Ducks.

A lot of shorebirds, mostly Oystercatchers.

This family of swans were enjoying a feed of watercress.

Much improved by the looks of it.
It processes Auckland's sewage for $1 million per month, $1 per month per backside!
Hey, what else in this world can you receive for only $1 per month. Pretty good deal, I'd say.
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