Friday, October 10, 2008


A380 first visit to Auckland

The first QANTAS Airbus A380 paid Auckland a visit today. Some thousands of people were at the free viewing parks.

It flew over Auckland, came back for a flyover and then landed.

What a big plane!

The best carpark was taken by this guy and his son, who watched the plane land at 11pm and slept in the van all night! The Pukeko was enjoying some bits of their left over muesli.

There were other planes landing to keep us entertained, here is a sample.

The Britten-Norman Islanders needed a few more seats, so more power, and a third engine was fitted to the tail, becoming a TriLander. An ATR-72 on the right.

Some Boeing 777s, an Air Pacific 737-800 and Air NZ 747-400.

It's amazing how small that 4WD looks in front of the Airbus. Lucky you getting to see it. Great pics.
Some lovely close up shots you got there of the A380, I did not get out to the airport but I did go up Mount Vic in devonport for a look and snapped a few shots.

Check my shots, not as good as yours but still....
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